
It is one of the privileges of the Church of England to act as custodian of some of the finest architecture and furnishings in the country, dedicated and used to the glory of God. To have two churches adjoining in one churchyard presents us not only with a rare and fascinating history but also with a symbiosis of contemporary usage; the bells, clock and flagpole of St Cyriac and St Julitta's drawing people to regular worship in St Mary's, today's parish church.

In that sense this is living history and not a nostalgic retrospect. Work continues on both buildings to maintain and enhance the fabric which, arguably, is in better condition jointly than at any stage in the past. So we do well to acknowledge our benefactors and those concerned with the care of the churches, remembering particularly The Churches Conservation Trust (formerly The Redundant Churches Fund) who have had responsibility for St Cyriac and St Julitta's, the church 'in retirement', since 1973.

Swaffham Prior draws a steady flow of visitors to its two churches and other attractions, many of them from overseas, and we rejoice that we are able to keep our churches open for them. Here there is a holiness-of-place which is a constant source of inspiration to us all. May God sustain you in your journey.

Mark Haworth
Ascensiontide, 1996

The nave of St Mary's before restoration